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    時(shí)間:   2023-08-11 11:05:49    |   來源:    藝術(shù)中國
    展訊 >



    藝術(shù)家:伊恩·霍華德(Ian Howard,澳大利亞),邢俊勤


    開幕時(shí)間:2023年8月13日 下午3:00












    Invitation Letter


    Artists:Ian Howard, Xing Junqin

    Duration:Aug 13, 2023-Sep 11, 2023

    Opening:3pm, Aug 13, 2023 

    Venue:798 International Art Exchange Center

    TRIUMPHALISM is a joint exhibition of Australian artist, Ian Howard and Chinese artist, Xing Junqin. Both explore the world via experimental artworks that attempt to ‘picture’ the feelings, values, and ethos of our time.

    Uncertainty for the Individual 

    Howard's artworks describe an era that is typically characterised by hubris rather than humility, boasts of individualism rather than concern for the plight of humanity, and the promotion of celebrity seemingly a higher priority than the well-being of communities. These are the characteristics of the modern metropolis where individuals are less certain of their role and identity. History is rendered uncertain, the future redolent with anxiety.

    Howard's artworks

    Confidence in the Metropolis 

    Xing's artworks address the integration of culture and the military- of guns and roses, of landscapes that are richly impressionistic and others that are totally disguised by camouflage pattern. Historic Western cultural icons are juxtaposed, integrated, with symbols of today’s Chinese power. Xing combines contrasting, even contradictory images with confidence and ease showing a possible new reality. Individuals, buildings, even landscapes fit into an integrated vision of a positive future. 

    Xing Junqin's artworks

    This dichotomy of- confidence and anxiety- that emerges from TRIUMPHALISM, is not neatly distributed East and West, or attributable to Western or Eastern philosophies. Its characteristics and impacts exist across cultures, political systems, nations, and global media operations. It is a universal phenomenon within which individuals must negotiate their place and passage. 

    Clearly, each artist comes from a widely different cultural and artistic origin and yet both embrace a decidedly universal view of the world and its achievements, as well as challenges in the 21st Century. 

    In this exhibition, the artworks of Xing and Howard turn an explorative and enquiringmirror upon TRIUMPHALISM which has itself often relied upon images to convey its powerful message. (Written by Ian Howar)



    1960年出生于中國山西省壽陽,1979年參軍。1989年,畢業(yè)于解放軍藝術(shù)學(xué)院,1993年畢業(yè)于中央美術(shù)學(xué)院油畫系研究班。1997年,他在中國國家美術(shù)館舉辦了題為“軍事主題新具象”的個(gè)人藝術(shù)展,他的作品獲中國人民解放軍文藝新作品一等獎(jiǎng)和建軍70周年全國展覽獎(jiǎng)。2000年,他應(yīng)邀以中國美術(shù)家的身份赴歐洲進(jìn)行藝術(shù)考察。2001年,他代表中國參加了聯(lián)合國教科文組織在越南河內(nèi)舉辦的國際藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作營,作品獲得最高獎(jiǎng)。2002年,應(yīng)悉尼新南威爾士大學(xué)美術(shù)學(xué)院邀請(qǐng),作為訪問學(xué)者并講學(xué)。在講學(xué)期間,他與(COFA)院長伊恩?霍華德(Ian Howard)教授舉辦《理想之橋》聯(lián)展,由陸克文(Kevin Rudd)主持開幕。在隨后的幾年里,他與伊恩?霍華德院長在悉尼舉辦了多次聯(lián)合展覽,并多次受邀在堪培拉的澳大利亞國防學(xué)院(ADFA)發(fā)表演講和展出他的作品。2008年,他應(yīng)邀參加中國藝術(shù)家代表團(tuán)赴俄羅斯進(jìn)行藝術(shù)考察。2002年,他是第一批在798藝術(shù)區(qū)設(shè)立工作室的藝術(shù)家之一,并接待了前聯(lián)合國秘書長安南夫人、奧地利總理和文化部長、美國藝術(shù)基金會(huì)主席、意大利藝術(shù)基金會(huì)主席和澳大利亞——亞洲理事會(huì)秘書長。他曾接受德國電視一臺(tái)、澳洲ABC電視臺(tái)、香港電視臺(tái)、中央電視臺(tái)及中央教育電視臺(tái)訪問。他曾在悉尼沃特斯畫廊、澳大利亞國防學(xué)院、意大利亞帕多瓦美術(shù)館、紐約先鋒畫廊和邁阿密藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)上舉辦個(gè)展。他的作品被中國美術(shù)館、中國人民革命軍事博物館、中國抗日戰(zhàn)爭紀(jì)念館、聯(lián)合國教科文組織、澳大利亞國防學(xué)院、意大利帕多瓦藝術(shù)基金會(huì)、悉尼白兔美術(shù)館、澳大利亞廣播電視基金會(huì)、東莞博物館、寧波美術(shù)館以及美國、法國、日本、香港、臺(tái)灣、新加坡和馬來西亞藝術(shù)機(jī)構(gòu)和收藏家收藏。他曾是中國空軍北京軍區(qū)創(chuàng)作室藝術(shù)家,現(xiàn)供職于中國人民解放軍軍事博物館。現(xiàn)為中國美術(shù)家協(xié)會(huì)會(huì)員,悉尼新南威爾士大學(xué)研究員。多年來,他一直被認(rèn)為是當(dāng)代軍事題材藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作的代表藝術(shù)家之一。



    XING JUNQIN was born in 1960 in Shouyang, Shanxi Province, PRC. In 1979, he joined the PLA army. In 1989, he graduated from the PLA Academy of Arts with an undergrad diploma. In 1993, he graduated from the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA). In 1997, his solo exhibition entitled "New Realistic Works on Military Themes" was held at The National Art Museum of China (NAMOC),and his artworks received the gold medal award at both “The New Work by PLA Artists” and “The Nationwide Show of The 70th Anniversary of the Founding of The PLA” exhibitions. In 2000, he was invited to make an art survey trip in Europe as a member of the Chinese Artists’ Association. In 2001, he represented China as an artist attending the International Creation Camp in Hanoi, Vietnam, which was organized by UNESCO. His work was awarded the top prize. In 2002, he was invited by The College of Fine Arts, The University of New South Wales in Sydney as a visiting scholar to give a talk, during his short stay, he had a joint show with the Dean of COFA, Professor Ian Howard, which was opened by Kevin Rudd. In the years that followed, he had numerous joint shows with Prof. Ian Howard in Sydney and was invited a number of times to give talks and to create his work at the Australian National Defense Force Academy (ADFA) in Canberra. In 2008, he was invited to make an art survey in Russia as a member of the Chinese artists’ delegation. As early as 2002, he was among the first group of artists setting up studios at the 798 Art Zone and received Mr. Annan, the former UN Secretary General, the Austrian Chancellor and the Minister of Culture, President of the Art Foundation of the USA, President of the Italian Arts Foundation and Secretary General of the Australia-Asia Council. He has been interviewed by German TV1, ABC Australia, HKTV, CCTV and its CCTV Education Channel. He has held solo exhibitions at NAMOC, Watters Gallery in Sydney, the Australian Defense Force Academy, Galleria Dante, Padua, Pioneer Art Gallery in New York, and The Miami Art Fair. His works have been collected by NAMOC, The PLA’s Military Museum, The Anti-Japanese War Memorial of China, the Australian National Defense Force Academy, Italy's Padua Arts Foundation, The White Rabbit Gallery in Sydney, the Australian Radio and Television Foundation, and other institutions and collectors in the USA, France, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. He was an artist at China Air Force, Beijing Branch and is now with The PLA’s Military Museum. He is a member of Chinese Artists’ Association, and a Research Fellow at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. For many years, he has been regarded as one of the leading figures in contemporary art relating to military subject matter.

    Chinese military artist, Xing Junqin and Professor Ian Howard of the University of New South Wales, Sydney, have been cooperating on artworks, exhibitions and exchange projects for the last eighteen years. They explore concepts of war and peace, border, wall and demarcation confrontations.








    Professor Ian Howard is an Australian artist and academic at UNSW Sydney, Faculty of Art & Design, previously known as the College of Fine Arts, (COFA). He was Dean of the College from 1998 till 2013 and prior to that, Ian was Provost and Director of the Queensland College of Art, Griffith University in Brisbane. He trained in Sydney (Diploma of Art Education), London (Graduate Diploma of Advanced Studies, Film and Television) and Montreal (Master of Fine Arts).

    His artwork progresses a cultural relationship between civilians and military institutions with a concentration on borders, walls and barriers as well as enforcing vehicles, particularly aircraft, armored vehicles and ships.

    Describing his rubbing technique as ‘direct-media’ he argues that the one to one relationship the subject has with the artwork image means each work contains an ‘integrity of realism’. This one to one relationship includes representation at actual scale, on location, and within the real time operation of that subject matter. 

    Exhibited in a cultural setting, this realism is self-communicating and inherently expressive. It requires of the viewer, not the artist, a willingness and capacity to make interpretive judgments. This interpretation of the image, independent of text, is the special way visual art conveys information and experience.   

    Professor Ian Howard works and exhibits internationally. He and General Xing have collaborated on artworks and exhibitions for approximately twenty years.

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