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    傳播藝術 品味生活 您的位置: 首頁


    藝術中國 | 時間: 2007-01-10 09:06:51 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


    天元是一位國際知名的畫家,其作品已參與過國內(nèi)外大小展覽,也曾獲得全國油畫金獎。他的攝影作品在凸顯其追求架上繪畫與攝影對話(如在構圖及表現(xiàn)形式上等)的同時,又強烈地表現(xiàn)出他在探索攝影創(chuàng)作上的興趣和成果。他的作品很難被歸納為攝影史上任何一種類型,但卻能激發(fā)觀者去思索攝影的本質(zhì)---光影變化的視覺藝術--以及去探索他在架上繪畫及攝影兩者所一貫追求的 “天元式美學”:微觀自然景象與宏觀宇宙間的感官表現(xiàn)。



    Contemplation of Sensibility—Li Tianyuan’s Photographic Solo Exhibition displays Li Tianyuan’s primary photographic works, which he has worked on for the last ten years. This exhibition features the artist’s expressions of “water,” “air,” “dust,” “time,” “space,” and so on—those untypical motifs in photography. The artist uses simple composition (a frame within a frame) and skillfully utilizes the changes of lighting on these photographed motifs, then picturizes these abstract concepts in a unique way. Li’s works transfigure a micro view of natural elements (such as water and air) into a macro view of the universe and create contemplation that results from the changes between these two views.

    Tianyuan is an internationally well-known painter whose works have been shown in numerous important exhibitions in both China and abroad and who has won the golden prize of China’s national competition in oil painting. His photographic creation exposes the dialogue between painting and photography (namely composition, format, and so on) and simultaneously shows his strong interest in photography. His works are hard to assign to any historical categories of photography but rather inspire the viewer to consider the very nature of photography (the visual art of changes in lighting) and to explore his common expression in both painting and photography; that is, the so-called “Tianyuan’s aesthetic”: the expression of sensibility between the micro view of natural scenes and a macro view of the universe.??

    by Shin-Yi Yang

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