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    [專稿] 張怡《可能接觸》

    藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-08-01 11:44:52 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


      北京 100007 中國
      38 Jianchang Hutong
      (off Guozijian Jie)
      Beijing, 100007 China


      《可能接觸》是一個以翻譯、無譯、跨文化傳譯、詮釋和表演概念為核心的多層次錄像藝術作品。它以兩個具體事件為起點,其一是文化評論家瓦爾特·本雅明(Walter Benjamin)1928年與美國亞裔電影明星黃柳霜(Anna May Wong)在柏林相遇之后所寫的有關這位女星的文章;其二是選自黃柳霜早期默片《愛比刀更厲》(Song)中的飛刀片斷。這些事件經(jīng)過當代語境下的重新想象和重新解讀,成為張怡用來探索公共/私密空間概念、舞臺表演以及語言災難的一只鏡頭。《可能接觸》在北京拍攝,由箭廠空間共同制作,是一部雙頻錄像作品,臺詞和動作圍繞外圍不斷游走,仿佛指涉了翻譯難以捉摸的目標以及為達致意義的"核心"而付出的無盡努力。《可能接觸》在箭廠空間的櫥窗式展廳中放映,更加深了這種不確定性,類似候診室或醫(yī)生辦公室的桌椅擺在玻璃背后,暗示了一位內(nèi)在的觀看者。

      張怡,1972年出生于美國加利福尼亞,在圣迭戈加州大學獲得美術學士學位,目前定居于紐約。2008年成為Hugo Boss Prize候選人,其作品《漂流物》(2007年)入選MOMA舉辦的新導演系列作品。作品曾在國際上多次舉辦個展和群展。


      "箭廠空間"是一個由獨立策展人和藝術家組織策劃的藝術櫥窗項目。空間位于北京市中心的胡同里,原本是個小商鋪,經(jīng)過改造后擁有10平方米的展出面積。" 箭廠空間"首先希望通過櫥窗這種特殊的展示方式,為藝術家的創(chuàng)作方法提供一種新的可能,空間內(nèi)定期更新的藝術作品將會在這里每天面對不同的社會群體和文化情境。



      Patty Chang, Touch Would
      Late July – Late September 2008

      The Arrow Factory is pleased to present Touch Would, a new work by New York based artist Patty Chang.

      Touch Would is a multilayered video project that centers on the concept of translation—mistranslation, cultural translation, interpretation and performance. It takes as its departure point two concrete events, the first being a text written by cultural critic Walter Benjamin about the Asian American film starlet Anna May Wong after their meeting in Berlin in 1928; and the second a knifethrowing sequence from Song, one of Wong's early silent films. Reimagined and reinterpreted in a contemporary context, these events form a lens through which Chang explores notions of public/private space, staged performance, and linguistic mishap. Shot in Beijing and co-produced by the Arrow Factory, Touch Would is a two-channel video work with words and actions that move around a periphery, as if to reference the elusive goals of translation and endless efforts to reach the 'center' of meaning. The presentation of Touch Would in Arrow Factory's storefront furthers this ambiguity, with seats and tables that resemble a waiting room or doctor's office positioned behind glass to imply an internal viewer.

      Patty Chang (b. 1972) was born in California and received her BFA from the University of California, San Diego. She currently resides in New York. Chang is a 2008 finalist for the Hugo Boss Prize, and was recently featured in the MOMA New Directors series for her work Flotsam Jetsam (2007). Her work has been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions internationally.


      Arrow Factory is an independently run alternative storefront space that seeks to advance artistic collaboration, exploration and experimentation across different cultural contexts and viewing publics. Located in a small hutong in Beijing's city center, Arrow Factory reclaims existing commercial space to present artworks that stimulate dialogue between art and contemporary urban space. The modestly sized space (approx 10 square meters or 100 square feet) is intended to create new avenues for artistic production in China and further aesthetic relationships between contemporary art and everyday life. Arrow Factory exhibitions are available for view in its storefront location 7 days a week.

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