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    藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-09-09 13:00:38 | 文章來源: 藝術中國








    楊 泓 中國社會科學院考古研究所

    董新林 中國社會科學院考古研究所

    齊東方 北京大學文博學院

    張建林 陜西省考古研究院

    李星明 復旦大學文史研究院

    李清泉 廣州美術學院藝術人文學院

    繆 哲 浙江大學

    劉 婕 文物出版社《文物》編輯部

    羅世平 中央美術學院造型藝術研究所

    賀西林 中央美術學院人文學院

    張 鵬 中央美術學院人文學院《美術研究》編輯部

    鄭 巖 中央美術學院人文學院

    黃佩賢 香港城市大學

    邢義田 臺北“中央研究院”歷史語言研究所

    林圣智 臺北“中央研究院”歷史語言研究所

    巫 鴻 美國芝加哥大學東亞藝術中心

    徐潤慶 韓國美術史研究所

    鄭如珀(Bonnie Cheng) 美國歐柏林學院

    倪克魯(Lukas Nikel)英國倫敦大學

    鄧 菲 英國牛津大學


    International Conference on Ancient Tomb Art

    Organized by the Center for the Art of East Asia, University of Chicago, in collaboration with the School of the Humanities, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Location: Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing Dates: September 9-11, 2009

    Tomb art is the longest and most pervasive ritual art tradition in pre-modern China. Even in world history, few art traditions can match its temporal duration and geographical span. As a synthetic visual system, properties of Chinese tomb art consist of architecture, objects, painting, sculpture, decoration, burial equipment, calligraphy, and the treatment of the body. Supported by an explosion of archaeological materials, the study of ancient Chinese tomb art has seen much development in recent years. The subjects of research include both general historical trends and specific cases. At the same time, there has appeared a strong interest in analytical and interpretative methods. The purpose of this conference is to provide an international platform for scholarly communication. The organizers encourage solid, evidential research of important historical phenomena, as well as serious reflection on research method. It is hoped that the combination of these two directions will help further develop this field. Because of limited funding, the participants will cover their own travel expenses (ideally funded by their respective institutions). The organizers will provide lodging (3 nights) and meals during the conference. We envision this conference will be a serious scholarly exchange that will reassess the art of Chinese tombs and point to new directions for future work. The conference will include lectures by invited speakers, as well as open-floor discussions after the talks. The organizers are planning to collect the written papers and publish a conference volume. The conference will be held in Chinese and English.

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