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    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2008-02-29 09:19:34 | 文章來源: 美術(shù)同盟




    開幕酒會:2008.03.08 15:30







    ??????? 世界上有許多美好的東西,比如善良,比如公平,比如熱情,比如真誠,還有許多諸如此類的現(xiàn)如今的大人們已經(jīng)不再明白或幾乎忘記的事情,它們,都藏在童話的世界里,在孩子中間流傳。

    ??????? 稚氣的童話故事,用最簡單直白的語言,講述著生命的真相和有關(guān)心靈的法則,讓萬物回復(fù)本來面目,使這世界不再復(fù)雜。

    ??????? 從小時候的圖畫書開始,童話就一直沒有離開過我們。

    ??????? 童話里,那些不設(shè)防的天真善良,盲目的無邪浪漫和簡單的深刻哲理,都會讓閱讀的人不由自主地純粹起來。閱讀童話,是一件美妙的事情。

    ??????? 童話是美好的。美好的事情,總能令人感動。有童話的生活是幸福的。

    ??????? 馬媛的畫,讓我感受到了閱讀童話一般的愉悅,畫面中,她對純粹的追求,對真實的堅持,讓我由心底里喜歡,我可以真切地感受到她單純的執(zhí)著,一種天真的執(zhí)著,無論這是一種未經(jīng)世事的天真,還是歷經(jīng)凡俗之后的童心回歸,我覺得,這樣純真的執(zhí)著,是一種快樂的執(zhí)著。

    ??????? 或許,在她的畫里邊,就有我所希冀的童話故事的境界吧。

    ??????? 戊子年初五,北京寒冷潔凈的夜空中開滿了美妙的煙花,美妙是真實的,真實是美妙的。新的一年,讓眼睛和心純凈起來,相信童話,我們一起去尋找樂園。




    There are a lot of marvelous things in life, such as fairness, kindness, passion, and sincerity among many others……. Nowadays, these virtues are either fading or ignored with our grown-ups. Yet, regardless, they still stay in fairy tales, and are shared and treasured among the kids.

    In all lovely fairy tales, the truth of life and the fundamentals of the soul are described in very simple words. It makes everything come back to its very origin and the world will no longer be complicated.

    Starting with the first picture books we read, fairy tales never leave our side.

    This unguarded naive kindness, this blind innocent romance and this deep but simple philosophy, All these make the reader involuntarily pure. Reading fairy tales…is a marvelous affair.

    Fairy tales are beautiful… touching. With them, life is happy.

    The works of Ma Yuan bring me the same happiness as reading fairy tales. I really love them with all my heart. In those works, I can see her pursuit of pureness, her persistence of truth. I can feel her pure and innocent determination. I think, whether it is an inexperienced naivety or a coming back from an ordinary life to the artless childhood, such pure and innocent determination is always a happy determination.

    Perhaps, in her works, there is something fairy tale-like that I am aspiring after.

    Today, it is the 5th day in the Year of the Rat. The midnight sky of Beijing, icy cold and crystal clear, is full of firework bloom. It is real beauty, the beautiful reality. It will be a brand new year. Let our eyes be pure, our hearts be clear. Believe in fairy tales. Paradise over there...

    Mia Dong



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