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    [專稿] 中國:一個國家的肖像

    藝術中國 | 時間: 2008-11-13 10:23:55 | 文章來源: 藝術中國


      China, Portrait of a Country


      地點:今日美術館 1號館4層展廳

      Duration: 4th — 20th December

      Venue: The 4th floor exhibition hall of building No. 1


    太行山下有一條地下河,萬名群眾在修一條30米深,100米長,頭朝下的大壩,叫截潛流。--王世龍 河南 1974年


      深諳攝影是歷史真相“沉默見證人”的天性,懷揣著一種士大夫般“家國命運”的使命感,唯一一位獲得普利策新聞獎的華裔記者、資深媒體人士劉香成先生集數(shù)年之艱辛努力,編著了《中國—— 一個國家的肖像》一書。他選擇了88位攝影師——包括毛澤東、周恩來的私人攝影師,也有來自城市、鄉(xiāng)村、軍營、奧運第一現(xiàn)場的攝影記者——的作品,以十年為一個單元,完整梳理了從1949年到2008年六十年間中國社會的變革歷程。隨著圖書在國際范圍內的發(fā)行,今日美術館邀請劉香成先生來館策劃同名展覽,這是我們作為一所當代美術館對這些攝影師、劉香成先生,以及中國歷史的一次致敬。


      China, Portrait of a Country , was originally a book, bringing together a vast selection of images by Chinese photographers since 1949, and giving readers a visual journey across the great People’s Republic of China. The book maps out the remarkable road that China has traveled to rejoin the international community, and refine its relationship with its global trading partners and political sparring partners to become an irrefutable equal. The book is edited by the esteemed international photojournalist, the only Chinese winner of Pulitzer Prize, Liu Heung Shing. As a Chinese-American, he obtains view points both as an outsider and as an insider, and the combination of these two experiences, primarily visual but also mental perceptions of China domestically as well as externally, was the impetus behind the book. As well as distributing the book in an international arena, Today Art Museum is pleased to invite Liu to curate a photographic exhibition under the same title. With a great amount of research, more than 120 valuable photos by 88 Chinese photographers will be presented in the exhibition through the view of the curator. This collection of images shows how the Chinese people have blossomed in spite of enduring previous decades of extraordinary hardship. It is a visual chronicle of modern China since 1949. Liu Heung Shing has been a longtime Associated Press correspondent and Time magazine contributor. He was named as one of the 99 Most Important Photographers of the World by Paris Photo in 2005. Currently, he is the Senior Advisor to CAA (Creative Artists Agency, U.S.).





    河南農民打麥子 魏德忠 河南1960

    大連理工的學生,在校園里滑旱冰 劉香成 1979年


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