Rémy Markowitsch
Saturday, 12th of September 2009, 11 am to 9 pm
Duration of the exhibition
September, 12th - December, 19th 2009
On the 12th and 13th of September the Walkabout of the SpinnereiGalleries will take place.
Opening hours
Saturday, 12th of September 2009, 11 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sunday, 13th of September 2009, 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Openings on the area of the Baumwollspinnerei, Spinnereistra?e 7, in Leipzig/Plagwitz
Hall TS
Dogenhaus Galerie
Hall 4
Ati Maier
Filipp Rosbach
Hall 20
Alexander K?nig, Valentina Seidel, Joachim Blank
Galeria Hilario Galguera
Hall 4
Bosco Sodi
Galerie B/2
Hall 20
Marion Porten
Galerie Kleindienst
Hall 3
Tom Fabritius
Hall 14
"Kunstfehler - Fehlerkunst", group show
Columbus Art Foundation, Hall 14
Universal Cube, Hall 14
Laden fuer Nichts
Hall 18
"Zwei Dumme ein Gedanke", group show
Hall 6
Hans Aichinger
Nusser & Baumgart
Hall 10
Florian Neufeldt und Jens Semjan
LIA - Leipzig International Art Programme
Hall 18
?thiopische Kunst, group show
SPINNEREI Galerie / archiv massiv
Hall 20
Edgar Leciejewski, Margret Hoppe
Hall 12
Korso - Henriette Grahnert, Franziska Holstein, Rosa Loy, Annette Schr?ter, Kathrin Thiele