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    時間:2009-06-18 09:06:13 | 來源:世界藝術









    The Form andMeaning of Abstractness: Liu Yonggang’s Embrace of Love

    Ms. Xu Hong,vice director of the academic division of NAMOC, famous critic offine arts

    A special thingabout modern Chinese is that an individual often regards himself orherself as a symbol of the whole nation. That is especially truewhen he or she lives far away from the native land. The lack of atraditional culture that values the individual’s efforts to blaze anew trail makes the individual feel insecure and lonely. This doesnot seem to be the case with other nations. For instance, yourarely hear that an ordinary Russian considers himself the symbolof the whole Russian nation. Excellent persons may be regarded assymbolic of a nation, of course, but that is a different matter.The imagination of ‘ethnic identity’ that we are familiar withsuggests the attempt to ‘join the group’.

    I think ofcontemporary Chinese artists who have gone abroad and those whohave returned, especially those who engage in abstract art. Most ofthem use calligraphy as the subject matter in their exploration ofabstract art, and they think that is the only way to createChina-specific abstract art. Instead of drawing a generalconclusion, we need to analysis that.

    An artist maygive priority to his cultural identity and use calligraphy as acultural symbol, stressing its regional and cultural features; or,based on his understanding of abstract art and what he needs, hemay discover abstract factors and meanings in the naturalenvironment and traditional signs of China, and in the lines,rhythm and symbolic meanings of calligraphy itself, extract theessence of these and turn it into the language of abstract art.Different objectives will lead to different results. Though we maybelieve that the choice to use calligraphy as the subject matter isin itself culture-specific, yet the direct, superficial use of itin the belief that it symbolizes the essence of Chinese culturewill be a failure, not only because it will disappoint viewers, butalso because it deviates far from the fundamental principle ofart—to always discover unfamiliar meanings in familiar objects andevents. Everything—men or environment, things created orhabits—should be constantly discovered and transcended.

    If we seereality in terms of development of human life, and then understandabstract art and the abstract processes developing from traditionaland ethnic art, we may avoid simplistic borrowing and labeling, aswell as arguments about the superiority or inferiority of abstractart and realistic art, and about whether the abstract art rich inthe rhythm of lines comply with the norms of traditionalcalligraphy. Such arguments are comparable to the practice ofcomparing novels with philosophy instead of comparing novels withnovels, philosophy with philosophy, and abstract art with abstractart. Therefore, Liu’s art should be compared with other types ofabstract art, such as Lipsitz’s bronze works and Calder’s fixedsculptures made of stainless steel. It is not true that there is nocriterion for abstract art. Its relationship with nature, theemotional depth, the appeal, and the distillation of abstractformal elements—all these are subjects for comparison anddiscussion. So I do not intend to compare Liu’s works withcalligraphy, be it the calligraphy of Chinese characters or Basibawords. Instead, I will compare them to similar works of abstractart.

    TraditionalChinese characters, in their creation and use by our ancestors,have acquired fixed meanings—hieroglyphic, self-explanatory andideographic—in the relationship between the signified and thesignifier. But in Liu’s Embrace of Love, the symbolic andideographic functions of characters are transformed and integrated,so that ‘symbols’, instead of being only about perceived things,are elevated to more complicated spiritual connections with humans.Created by spiritual activities, they establish their subjectivityby constantly discarding or changing of their outside. As for‘meanings’, they are not isolated, half visible ‘specters’wandering and sinking in the dark, but perceivable practicalmeanings fused together with ‘symbols’. The blending andoverlapping of ‘symbols’ and ‘meanings’, as well as the extremelyrich spiritual possibilities embodied by the process, are theabstract idea of the complete ‘form’ that Embrace of Love issuppose to have. Therefore, abstract art tends to be expressed asideas and spiritual activities.

    The ‘form’, asabstract meaning, is the form that embodies completeness, isperceivable and could lead to communication; the completeness ofthe spirit is expressed through the form. In terms of therelationship between a person and the world, the ‘form’ is completerelationship between the two, including the relationship betweenhis and others. So Liu’s Embrace of Love is definitely not simplythe magnification of characters; otherwise it would suffice towrite the title down—that would be intelligible to anyone who canread. The ‘form’ in its complete sense is the full embodiment ofhuman feelings and spirit in the work. It is also an open system,which enriches and perfects itself by constantly modifying itsrelationship with the outside world. So it will not be anunchanging sign that tends to fossilize and to limit itself and itsrelations with the surroundings. That is the essence of thedifference between Embrace of Love and the two characters—‘love’and ‘embrace’. In his work the two words are not passive butactive; they are always changing in order to communicate with theoutside world, and are being enriched and perfected in the doubleexchange. So instead of being isolated and cold, that ‘form’ issimple and capable of development.

    In that sense,the ‘shape’ of Liu’s Embrace of Love is an intelligible dynamicsystem that is associated with the past and the future; it is animaginary space derived from the original meanings of characters,and interacts with constantly developing life and spiritual states.There are many similar phenomena in the universe—different thingsblend, with their commonness remaining visible, and all is alwayschanging. In Liu’s works, the state of ‘embracing’ as an actionmainly embodies the universality of ‘love’; it is only presented assome spiritual form of ‘love’. But meanwhile ‘love’ has infinitepossibilities, and therefore infinite varieties of outside ‘forms’.The traits of ‘love’ are not shown in the world of animals andhuman beings, but also in the world of plants, the world ofmicrobes, and heavenly bodies. As long as we use it as a concept toname and understand everything in the world, we will makeindefatigable explorations of its forms. Of course, as indicated byEmbrace of Love, Liu’s understanding of love is mostly reflected inhuman-related ideas. His sculpture is like two legs standing apart,contracting and then expanding from bottom to top. The upper linestend to bend down, and the effect of movement is produced by thetemporal quality of the lines instead of other traits of it as‘shape’. For instance, the ‘embrace’ could be sensitive, weighty,mixed, or confused. Judging from the present state of the work, Liutend to extract formal elements from the rules and habits ofwriting, such as the two dimensional quality of calligraphy and thetemporal quality of writing. The writing of lines from top tobottom, from left to right or from right to left is directly linkedwith the likening of ‘love’ to personal relations.

    Thoughcharacters have their own ‘shapes’, they are not absolute spiritualembodiments, because the human spiritual world is always changing,being enriched, and in pursuit of perfection. In terms of theinfinite variety of that pursuit, the existent signs are onlytemporary displays rather than absolute ‘form’. The ‘form’ ofabstract art, developed from the ‘shapes’ of characters, is boundto be driven by the spiritual pursuit of art and to transcend theshapes of characters in order to attain the objective of freedom ofits own accord. That also bears out the fundamental differencebetween the borrowing of characters as labels and the pursuit ofspiritual form in abstract art.

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