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    首頁> 展訊

    藝術中國 | 時間: 2009-02-23 10:39:17 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

    Forsblom Gallery, Helsinki, Finland

    Wassermann Gallery, Munich, Germany

    Richter Gallery, Rottach-Ergen, Germany

    1996 Municipal Gallery of Modern Art, Dublin

    Imura Art Gallery, Kyoto, Japan

    City of Music, Paris

    1997 Case Franca-Brasil, Rio, Brazil

    1998 Ham Gallery, Nagoya, Japan

    Proarta Gallery, Zurich, Switzerland

    Schoeneck, Rihen, Switzerland

    2001 Richter Gallery, Cologne, Germany

    Maeght GALlery, Barcelona and Paris

    Schoeneck Gallery, Basel Riehen, Switzerland

    Ville de Paris, Peinture murale, Paris

    Mori YU gallery, Kyoto, Japan

    2002 Chateau de Belleecourt, Pithiviers

    2004 Maeght Gallery, Paris

    公共展覽 Public Collections

    Musuem of Tokyo, Hyogo, Osaka, Japan

    Maeght Foundation, Siant-Paul

    Museum of Bratislava, Slovaquie

    Ville de paris

    Museum of Celrmont-Ferrand

    Museum of Dublin, Ireland

    Masion du Japon, Paris

    Fonds Naional d’Art Contemporain, France

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