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    首頁> 展訊

    藝術(shù)中國(guó) | 時(shí)間: 2009-06-04 16:44:48 | 文章來源: 藝術(shù)中國(guó)

    Deconstructionism Art Background Literature Exhibition

    ------Circuit Exhibition

    Chapter One Ode

    Words from executive director: the purpose of Deconstructionism Art Background Literature Exhibition-Circuit Exhibition is putting the academic concept of Deconstructionism Art into implementation, having Deconstructionism Art, the academic literature on art concept published strategically in the second half year of 2009 and making the later series of planning go smoothly.

    Artists: (following the priority order of interview) Mao Xuhui, Yang Zhichao, Yu Hong, Xia Xiaowan, Shao Fan, Zhang Hao, Luo Qi, Ai Weiwei, Niu Jun, Jiang Ming, Li Tiejun, Cai Guoqiang, Xu Weiqiang

    Executive director: LaoKengZhuangRen?Xu Weiqiang 【The initiator, pioneer, artist, the conceptual theorist of Deconstructionism Art and the writer of Deconstructionism Art】

    on planner: 【Shanghai Exhibition Area】 Shen Zichen( Curator of Sichuan Fine Arts Institute ,F(xiàn)eminism Expert)

    【UrumchiExhibitionArea】Guo Zhenming ,ShiXiaoming

    (Curator,Art Commenter,Professor)

    Academy presider: 【Shanghai Exhibition Area】 Fan Yuji (Philosophy & Western Aesthetics Dr. , Professor ,Subdecanal)

    Sponsor: Deconstructionism Art Centre/China

    Deconstructionism Art Editorial Committee

    Undertaker: Deconstructionism Art Hall 【Shanghai】

    Sinkiang Contemporary Art Gallery 【Urumchi】

    Address: 3F, No.11 Building, 50 Moganshan Road, Shanghai

    4F,No.8 Xingfu Road,Urumchi,Sinkiang

    Opening Ceremony of Tea Party: 3:13pm, Jun. 6th, 2009【Shanghai】

    16:00pm,Jul.26th ,2009【Sinkiang】

    Exhibition Period: Jun. 6th ~Aug. 8th (10:10am~18:38pm)【Shanghai】


    Media Support: www.xuweiqiang.com






    Academy and theory support 【The article will be inscrolled in the conceptual academic literature, Deconstructionism Art】

    Shen Zichen

    Shi Xiaoming

    the Key of Philosophy Wisdom to the Door of Art Palace

    Fan Yuji

    On Deconstruction and Deconstructionism Art

    Xu Weiqiang

    Comparison on the Root Problem between Deconstructionism Art & Contemporary Art

    Xu Weiqiang

    Connect with Niuniu【 Shanghai】


    (+86)021 6276 3454


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