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    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2010-11-09 17:08:57 | 文章來源: 藝術(shù)中國

    3月1日 大灣小學(xué)操場 140CMX140CM

    2008 “囧——表達與姿態(tài)”第三屆多倫青年美術(shù)大展,上海多倫現(xiàn)代美術(shù)館,上海

    “Jiong-Expression and Attitude”The 3rd Duolun Youth Art Exhibition,

    Shanghai Duolun Modern Art Museum, Shanghai

    2008 BOSSANOVA,Chapter藝術(shù)中心。威爾士,英國。

    BossaNova, Chaoper Art Centre, Wales, Brititsh

    2008 ART COLOGNE,德國科隆藝術(shù)博覽會,科隆,德國

    Art Cologne Fair, Cologne, Germany

    2008 重釋當(dāng)代,廣州美術(shù)學(xué)院美術(shù)館/重慶美術(shù)館,廣州/重慶

    Redefine Contemporary, Museum of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts/Chongqing

    Art Museum, Guangzhou/Chongqing

    2008 夢想與現(xiàn)實,月亮河文化創(chuàng)意產(chǎn)業(yè)園,北京

    Dream and Reality, Moonriver Culture and Creativity Industrial Area, Beijing

    8:00pm 都江堰 100X100CM

    2008 重慶威爾士周藝術(shù)展, 山峽博物館,重慶

    Art Exhibition of Wales Week, Shanxia Museum, Chongqing

    2007 Art vent, 科布倫茨,德國

    Art Vent, Koblenz, Germany

    2007 Relax,放松, Bad Ems,德國

    Relax, Bad Ems, Germany

    2007 視界無限大,KU藝術(shù)中心,北京

    Infinite Vision, KU Art Centre, Beijing

    2007 中國當(dāng)代藝術(shù)群展,Reed Savage畫廊,邁阿密,佛羅里達,美國

    Chinese Contemporary Art Exhibition, Reed Savage gallery, Miami, Florida, US

    2007 Eurasia One ,歐亞壹,Island 6 Art Center,上海

    Eurasia One, Island 6 Art Centre, Shanghai

    2007 ART COLOGNE,德國科隆藝術(shù)博覽會.

    ART COLOGNE FAIR, Cologne, Germany

    4月27日 180X180cm 綜合材料 2009

    2006 港龍航空新銳畫家飛揚大獎,金獎,藝術(shù)景中心,上海

    Golden Medal of Dragonair Fly Award for aggressive artists, Jing Art Centre, Shanghai

    2006 “新視覺”06:現(xiàn)代化的成人禮—第三界全國美術(shù)院校油畫專業(yè)應(yīng)屆畢業(yè)生優(yōu)秀作品展,何香凝美術(shù)館,深圳

    “New Vision”06: Modern Adult Ceremony-The 3rd exhibition of excellent works from the year’s graduates of domestic art college, He Xiangning Art Museum, Shenzhen

    2006 “走街串巷”11人展,重慶

    “Travelling in Street”11 Artists Joint Exhibition, Chongqing

    2004 四川美術(shù)學(xué)院油畫系作品展,重慶

    Oil Painting Dep. Works Exhibition, SAFA, Chongqing

    2003 四川美術(shù)學(xué)院學(xué)生作品年展,重慶

    Annual Exhibition for Students’ Works, SAFA, Chongqing

    獲獎和發(fā)表 Award and Publication

    2007.10 獲得德國Schloss Balmoral駐地交流獎學(xué)金 德國

    Balmoral Scholarship, Schloss Balmoral, Germany

    2006.7 獲得港龍航空新銳畫家飛揚大獎 金獎 上海

    Golden Medal of Dragonair Fly Award for aggressive artists, Jing Art Centre, Shanghai


    Creations were published in Wallpaper, ILook, Contemporary Artist, Art World, Art Value etc.

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