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    傳播藝術(shù) 品味生活 您的位置: 首頁(yè)
    [專(zhuān)稿] 西班牙畫(huà)廊—保羅·利薩克個(gè)人畫(huà)展
    藝術(shù)中國(guó) | 時(shí)間: 2008-09-11 15:00:02  | 文章來(lái)源: 藝術(shù)中國(guó)

      在北京奧運(yùn)會(huì)圓滿落幕之際, 全世界的目光將聚焦在上海這座城市。上海藝術(shù)博覽會(huì)、上海第九屆雙年展以及上海當(dāng)代藝術(shù)展將在金秋登陸申城。Art in Capitals 非常榮幸地同期推出“保羅·利薩克——一個(gè)后現(xiàn)代主義者的表達(dá)”畫(huà)展為這一藝術(shù)盛宴添彩。

      作為一個(gè)當(dāng)代藝術(shù)家,保羅?利薩克的作品非常便于理解,是21 世紀(jì)的非典型歐洲藝術(shù)。他的藝術(shù)受到多位文藝復(fù)興時(shí)期巨匠以及現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)先鋒的影響,而其可貴之處正在于以?xún)?yōu)雅的寫(xiě)實(shí)筆調(diào)表現(xiàn)其對(duì)當(dāng)代熱點(diǎn)問(wèn)題的思考,包括宗教、政治等。正因此,將保羅的作品帶到東方是一種拯救人類(lèi)生存困境的信念,亦是在全球化時(shí)代下尋求理解的努力。

      他時(shí)常用神話作為媒介來(lái)表達(dá)他的藝術(shù)。他的作品十分優(yōu)美,讓人不禁聯(lián)想起卡拉瓦喬或丁托列托。他們那些充滿神秘色彩的著色與巧妙的組合讓人回想起十六和十七世紀(jì)末期的作品。 然而,無(wú)論是人物還是主題卻都是當(dāng)代的。實(shí)際上,這是一種對(duì)美、逼真的過(guò)去和平凡現(xiàn)在、恐懼,以及希望的一種奇妙的組合。


      利薩克堅(jiān)持選擇寫(xiě)實(shí)主義。為了和平,為了結(jié)束戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng),他顯然十分愿意拿起棍棒為正義而奮斗 。但人們意識(shí)到在他靈魂深處的真正信念,是為了藝術(shù)而斗爭(zhēng),為了其獲得拯救世界之靈感的天賦而斗爭(zhēng)。如果這些能在穿越激情的漫長(zhǎng)人生中提醒世人,務(wù)必防止那些無(wú)用的政治或宗教的消耗,就更好了。




    保羅·利薩克個(gè)人畫(huà)展 現(xiàn)場(chǎng)圖片


      570 Huai Hai West Road.
      Sculpture Space B119
      Shanghai China
      淮海西路570 號(hào)

      While Beijing Olympic ends in splendor, the whole world turns its attention to Shanghai. Shanghai Art Fair, the 9thShanghai Biennale and SH Contemporary launches the city this fall. ART in CAPITALS gallery is very pleased to presentthe works by the talented British artist Paul Lisak and add lustre to the grand art events.

      As a contemporary artist, Paul Lisak’s work is, at first, remarkably accessible. It is atypical of European art in the 21stcentury. He follows in the footsteps of the great Renaissance and Baroque masters as well as modern giants like Picasso.

      And yet both characters and themes are our contemporaries. He often reflects on questions that are so topical today –questions relating to religious issues, questions dealing with the individual, questions regarding the ambivalences between science and theology, or those concerning wars and conflicts of all natures. The introduction of Paul’s work toChina is a faith to mitigate humanity’s great problems and an appeal to understanding in our globalized 21st century world.

      He readily uses myth as a medium in his artistic expression. His paintings are beautiful, their effects reminiscent ofCaravaggio or Tintoretto. They are suffused with mystery and their brilliant compositions recall the masters of the XVI andXVII centuries… And yet both characters and themes are our contemporaries. This is, indeed, a strange combination ofBeauty, of Reality past and present – our most prosaic present, of Horror, but also of Hope.

      With this relatively or completely unorthodox Judas Iscariot, the painter is suggesting that we rethink the world by showingus that evil and betrayal can, by definition, be overcome and enriched by new ways of interpreting and confronting thefacts. Lisak’s objective, it would appear, is to set the scene within the context of the present day and, by reversing tradition,

    force us to reflect.

      Lisak has chosen to stay with realism. He is clearly quite prepared to take cudgels and to fight for justice, for Peace, for anend to War, but one feels that the real conviction in his soul is to fight for ART, for the gift of an inspired way of healing the world. And if that informs humanity in our secular age of passing passions, and can prevent useless political or religious waste, so much the better.

      Lisak use a contemporary interpretation of a very ancient and recurring theme in Western art, the Madonna and child.

      Not all of Lisak’s work is despair, anger and pain; there is also hope. His Madonnas are a respite from evil and, despitethe pain reflected in the mothers’ eyes (it will never be possible to avoid guilt and suffering completely), Lisak opens a tentative, yet necessary, window onto serenity; we have all been that child rocked in the arms of a mother.

      We warmly welcome you to our Private Cocktail in the presence of the artist on September 11th at 19:00 hours.


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