事件2008 — 呂山川作品展
Event 2008—Solo-Exhibition by LV SHANCHUAN
Duration:28th Dec.– 5th Jan.
Venue:The 2nd Floor exhibition hall of Building 2
Throughout 2008, Lv Shanchuan has continued his gripping portrayal of reality in his life of art, as can be seen in the series “Events 2008”. Just as in the previous year, his studio has been taken up by two things, newspapers and canvases, or rather, news and pictures. His entire world is nothing but an extension between two simple ends, linking a realistic record and artistic creation. In between grow his burning impulse and enthusiasm to bring art to life, or vice versa.
“Events 2008” has its own theme of the year, a progression in news-based painting developed by Lv Shanchuan. Looking at his “Events 2007”, we discover a diversity of topics in his work. His focus was distracted by multiple sources of global news. However, the cynosure of his eyes throughout the whole of 2008 has been China. “Events 2008” may thus be interpreted as “Events in China”.
Likewise, Lv Shanchuan made progress in “Events 2008” in terms of artistic expression. Truly his works are of enormous size, but he does not balk at pouring in more intense contents and creating a strong visual impact. With his superb ability in graphical modeling, Lv Shanchuan has his own way of mesmerizing viewers by bold and full expression.
By Fan Di’an (Professor of CAFA, Director of NAMOC)