James 倫敦 維多利亞博物館
英國James Bollen (華論)攝影作品展
James Bollen (華論), 1973年生于英國。他喜歡中國悠久的歷史文化,于1996年到北京學(xué)習(xí)工作。1997年他開始在倫敦大學(xué)亞非學(xué)院中文系讀本科。1998年到1999年在北京師范大學(xué)學(xué)習(xí)。在業(yè)余時間拍攝城市的人文,當時拍過北京地下朋克的生活。他到過中國的許多地方旅游,拍攝風(fēng)土人情。
自從2001年畢業(yè)之后,他在中國和英國生活,做過不同的工作,包括作家、編輯,在倫敦的莫個畫廊也工作過。他對攝影的愛好一直沒有間斷,成為業(yè)余的攝影師。目前,James Bollen (華論)在上海生活與工作。他正在拍攝一個關(guān)于J.G. Ballard(巴拉德)的主題:巴拉德在上海的童年時代,以及他的寫作生涯。
這些主題攝影作品分別拍攝自上海和倫敦,將于2009年12月27日至2010年1月14日在上海大廈的Belle Vue展示。James Bollen (華論)把這些作品進行了組合,以獨特的方式,二連片的攝影語言,向觀眾傳達一個永恒的中英友誼的故事……
展覽地點:上海大廈2樓Belle Vue 法式西餐廳 北蘇州路20號
Shanghai- London
Photograph Exhibition by James Bollen
James Bollen was born in England in 1973. In 1996 he moved to Beijing to work and study. During his spare time he shot street scenes of the city and places he travelled to around China.
In 1997 he began a degree in Modern and Classical Chinese at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. From 1998-9 he studied at Beijing Normal University, during that time he documented the city’s underground punk scene.
Since graduating in 2001, he has lived between China and the UK and been employed variously as a writer, editor and security guard in a London art gallery. A self-taught photographer, he has all the while continued taking pictures.
James lives and works in Shanghai. He is currently working on a photographic project related to JG Ballard's childhood in Shanghai and themes in his writing.
Organizer: Broadway Mansions Hotel
Support: Cultural and Education Section of the British Consulate-General
Opening Reception: Dec27,2009,3pm-5pm
Date: Dec27,2009,– Jan,14,2010,10am-6pm
Tel: 13061621246
Venue: Broadway Mansions
Address: 2/F, Belle Vue ,20 North Suzhouhe Rd.