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    時(shí)間:2010-01-16 18:51:48 | 來源:藝術(shù)中國(guó)

    文/ 孫建春



    從文化角度說,亞洲國(guó)家的現(xiàn)代化進(jìn)程基本都是以歐美的現(xiàn)代化作為參照的范本來演變的,然而以歐美的價(jià)值體系作為評(píng)判的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)顯然不能滿足東方國(guó)家的文化訴求,他者的話語對(duì)應(yīng)于有差異的文化背景以及社會(huì)現(xiàn)實(shí)批判無異于“隔靴撓癢”,文化 “失語”有兩個(gè)層面的意思,一是指不會(huì)說話,二是指不會(huì)用自己的語言說話,以中國(guó)為例的亞洲國(guó)家在現(xiàn)代性的進(jìn)程里最需要建立的正是“自己的語言”,近30年間里,越來越多的亞洲國(guó)家開始認(rèn)真清理自己的國(guó)家遺產(chǎn)、整合新的社會(huì)結(jié)構(gòu)下的社會(huì)心理,包括藝術(shù),開始慢慢回歸到真正地關(guān)注自身,關(guān)注亞洲人內(nèi)心的原點(diǎn)上來。新視角重新確認(rèn)多樣的亞洲文明并且進(jìn)行解讀,期望建立新的話語體系以對(duì)應(yīng)有差異的現(xiàn)代性,建立新的亞洲藝術(shù)形象。中國(guó)的當(dāng)代藝術(shù)發(fā)展在此前的30年里同樣受到西方視角的左右,正如毛澤東說的:“……社會(huì)主義不去占領(lǐng)它,資本主義必然去占領(lǐng)”,海外藝術(shù)資本的介入或多或少地左右了當(dāng)代藝術(shù)的格局,以表現(xiàn)中國(guó)社會(huì)政治信息為主導(dǎo)的一批藝術(shù)家因符合西方文化中心主義而備受矚目,與此同時(shí),藝術(shù)的批評(píng)話語也基本是挪用和照搬了西方現(xiàn)代主義以后的批評(píng)模式和方法論,當(dāng)代藝術(shù)的發(fā)生和發(fā)展始終沒能在中國(guó)現(xiàn)代性的進(jìn)程中“落到實(shí)處”。從2005到2007短短的兩三年里,當(dāng)代藝術(shù)經(jīng)歷了極度市場(chǎng)化的泡沫,2008年經(jīng)濟(jì)危機(jī)的來臨讓藝術(shù)市場(chǎng)受到了巨大的沖擊也是巨大的洗禮,藝術(shù)市場(chǎng)甚至藝術(shù)本身都趨于冷靜和成熟,09年以來,雖然新的藝術(shù)尚且沒有完全形成自身的語言的自覺性,但諸多的展覽和藝術(shù)作品還是顯露出了越來越明確的努力。這一年的表面蕭條和內(nèi)在的暗流涌動(dòng)都似乎表明了一個(gè)新的藝術(shù)時(shí)代的來臨。新的資本介入也是個(gè)必然的要求和趨勢(shì),目前,少許的國(guó)內(nèi)民間資本的進(jìn)入雖然還不能構(gòu)成完善的市場(chǎng),但畢竟一個(gè)良好的開端初露端倪。



    正是基于這樣的愿望和目的,由伊比利亞當(dāng)代藝術(shù)中心和北京錫恩企業(yè)管理顧問咨詢有限公司共同參與組織了“豐田藝術(shù)計(jì)劃”,這是由文化研究機(jī)構(gòu)和企業(yè)管理的研究機(jī)構(gòu)一起進(jìn)行的一次全新的嘗試,是對(duì)中國(guó)當(dāng)代藝術(shù)未來生態(tài)和企業(yè)文化建設(shè)的一種共同努力,這個(gè)展覽中的20位不同年齡的藝術(shù)家,以豐田汽車公司的生產(chǎn)模式為范本展開文化和大工業(yè)之間的社會(huì)反思,我們不妨把此次的計(jì)劃當(dāng)成一個(gè) “亡羊補(bǔ)牢”的內(nèi)在需求,畢竟,一切都在和我們昭示一個(gè)事實(shí):亞洲、中國(guó)急需建立和完善新的制度和規(guī)范以對(duì)應(yīng)世界格局,我們需要有自己的新的時(shí)間表和新的路標(biāo)。



    Asian Landmark — Toyota Art Project of Iberia and CN

    Text / Sun Jianchun

    In cultural context, the word “aphasia” can be defined in two ways: the inability to use language, or the incapacity to speak in a way one wishes. The present culture of modernity in China is generally diagnosed as the latter kind of aphasia; contemporary art is no exception. Comparing to artists, art critics have been delinquent in constructing a narrative in keeping with art trends formed by artistic creators. Certainly it’s unfair to simply impute the failure to art writers as cultural ecology is far from an independent system, which is not only subject to the impact of positive self-modification, but also, more importantly, to that of evolution and transmutation of the society on the whole.

    Although the structure of economic and political systems in the gradually integrated Asian area is far from complete, the high-speed economic growth in China has been fueling the increasingly active trade and investment in Asia economy. Despite of the different stages Japan, South Korea and China are going through, their respective changes have put the entire East Asia into a common “critical structural transformation”. The integration of Asia economy is playing a decisive role by exerting a counterforce against the controlling power of the occident over the world market, which is expected to have a potential to revise defects in world economy, such as the imbalance of international finance, the North-South trade relation as well as the instability they’ve caused so far. The highly developed social and industrial civilization based on capitalism in the occident has built a set of extremely standardized politico-economic systems, and their pursuit of absolute precision and the “prohibition of any infringement of rules” just like a double-blade sword, while specifying everything, also constrain possible transformation and growth. That inevitably results in economic stagnation and then new incentive and regulation is needed for a modified economic structure. From another perspective, the relatively “irregular” nature of Asia economy and the instability following the late financial crisis has made the future condition of this region most promising but at the same time most unpredictable in world economy. The unpredictable future gives rise to an urgent need to set up new standards and rules in order to keep up with new orders in world patterns. The judgment and decision made in the context of globalization could help the world and man take a change for better. Or even we could take the financial crisis itself as a landmark searching for a new direction for Asia and China.

    Basically from a cultural point of view, the course of modernization in Asian countries displays a similarity to that of the occident. Nevertheless, the value system based on the occidental criticism of modernity obviously cannot meet the cultural needs of oriental countries undergoing a radical change at the moment. To a different cultural background and social criticism, the discourse of “the other” would be nothing but attempting an ineffective solution. Cultural “aphasia” has two layers of meaning, the inability to use language, or the failure to speak in the way one wishes. For the Asian countries, taking China for example, the urgent task is to find “her own language”. In recent 30 years more and more Asian countries begin to reposition their national legacy in a new context and embrace new social psychological climate in a search for the origin of the Asian spirit, of the humanity, and of the art. The new perspective allows us to reaffirm and interpret diversified Asian civilization and the expectation of building an independent discourse system in line with a different modernity manifest in the efforts to build a new image for the Asian art. The western angle has dominated the growth of Chinese contemporary art in the last 30 years, just like what Mao Zedong said, if socialism doesn't occupy the battlefront, capitalism surely will. The participation of overseas funds more or less has influenced the formation of contemporary art market. Artists working with social and political subject matters have received considerable attention as their works cater to western-oriented cultural value. Similarly, most critical writings are appropriating and copying post-modern critical modes and methods. The emergence and development of contemporary art has never been implemented in practice during the process of modernization in China. In the past two or three years from 2005 to 2007, contemporary art has created a market bubble and after being attacked and baptized by the 2008 financial storm the art market and even the artistic production have cooled down and started to grow mature. Even though the consciousness of an original art language has not been fully awakened yet, apparent signs of such efforts are shown in more and more exhibitions and artworks. The recession on the surface and the undercurrent below seem to forecast the advent of a new art era, when the inflows of new funds will become an apparent demand and trend. Presently the investment from domestic enterprises is not big enough to constitute a sound market chain, but it indicates a good start.


    In modern society economy just like culture is tied to many other factors and the accumulation and distribution of wealth remains to be a major issue. Since the 18th century the prestigious British classical political economist Adam Smith has created a scientific system of western political economics in his book The Wealth of Nations. The formation of economic and cultural modernity in China has entered a stage of restructuring and reform. Comparing with the occidental countries, the time-span for individuals and corporations in China to accumulate wealth is relatively shorter and it happens in a more drastic way. Consequently there has been no time to build ethical boundaries in keeping with the expansion of wealth and a huge gap appears between the large sum of financial expenses and investment in cultural undertakings and support to charities. In Chinese traditional social structure, wealthy families and country gentlemen had agreed to undertake obligations such as building roads and bridges, running schools and providing charity relief, etc. In contrast, western modern society has a more advanced wealth distribution system. Apart from various philanthropic initiatives, cultural investment has become an important part of their contribution to the public good. German carmakers Daimler-Benz and BMW have annual budgets for collecting artworks; Tycoons such as Guggenheim and Rockefeller even have their own prominent museums…Despite of the rapid expansion of individual wealth, the new Chinese rich have failed to be engaged with social responsibilities and cultural obligations. Moreover most wealthy people of this generation have experienced the situation of scarcity in the early stages of socialist construction, which leads to an unhealthy, punitive mentality among them. The vow they very often took in their youth would start like this: “Oh damn, if I get rich one day…” As most enterprises in China are developed from individual business, the absence of wealth ethic is genetically inherent in the structure. Recent rumor about the Sinopec “buying a chandelier at a sky-high price” shows that this behavior is no different from the public display of wealth of those parvenus. On the other hand, unable to find a balance point between industrial profit and moral values, owners of private enterprises stuck in the fact that the company’s interest is antagonistic to worker’s benefit. The loss of balance caused by the lack of contribution to public welfare has made the formation of a corporate culture that is humane and scientific, more difficult. Due to innate differences in history, culture and social reality, a corporate philosophy borrowed directly from the west obviously would be inapplicable to Chinese enterprises. While learning from the humanized managerial models and entrepreneurship of the developed capitalist countries, we also should be aware of limits caused by high standardization so as to create a corporate culture that is tailored to the local spirits and realistic needs of China, but also conforms to global standards. The work aiming to build such a new entrepreneurship is truly an art.

    Given the fact that Asian culture and economy is an inexhaustible subject, we are advised to come back home and examine local experience accumulated in the past, seeking to reach a conclusion based on comparative information. The above viewpoint leads to a consensus that what we need is the balance between the growth of economy and the development of culture and a connection bringing together both the constructive force of private capital and the redemptive power of contemporary art so as to build a healthy market ecology for culture and complete the construction of a self-contented art institution. In return, culture provides coordinate efforts for the renewal of corporate concept and image in favor of a more humanitarian management model and spirit.

    It is also the purpose of the current initiative “Toyota Art project”, presented by Iberia Center for Contemporary Art in collaboration with Beijing CN Management Consulting Company. This is a brave new initiative between a cultural research institute and an enterprise management consulting body, a joint effort for the construction of the future ecology of Chinese contemporary art and corporate culture. The twenty artists of different ages ignited a reflexive social debate on the relation of culture to the industrial world based on the productive model of Toyota Motor Corporation. This program is deemed to be a necessary act of mending the sheepfold after loosing sheep. In short, the fact is becoming more and more obvious that the changing world pattern is urging Asia and China to develop a new system and standard. To achieve the goal, we definitely will need an updated agenda and new landmarks.


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