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    藝術(shù)中國 | 時(shí)間: 2009-08-27 15:17:17 | 文章來源: 藝術(shù)中國








    The Melody of Silence

    Silence is the appearance of grassland,

    dress up with solar terms,season by season;

    Here’s the sound of greenery from the the edge of sky;

    cattle and lamb, poet and flag,

    Listening to the melody of silence.

    東磊影像畫廊八月定期展覽主題為《心籟》,展出了攝影藝術(shù)家林然 的影像作品《沉默的草原》系列。在一共廿四幅的傳統(tǒng)鉑鈀印像作品中, 林然延續(xù)他一貫的風(fēng)格﹣沒有明確的題材意識(shí),也沒有濃烈地批判意味, 透過實(shí)在且冷靜的觀察, 把萬千色相的世界的本質(zhì)還原到安安靜靜的影像當(dāng)中。有別于以往的靜物攝影作品,作者這次展出作品比以往作品中的視覺更見抽離, 作者以“以心見心而得其情”?的旁觀的態(tài)度,沉默地交融在物我之間。副題《二十四節(jié)氣》是沉默中點(diǎn)點(diǎn)的騷動(dòng),節(jié)氣融匯了時(shí)間和空間, “情”透過時(shí)間去波動(dòng)和延續(xù),而“性”則在空間來存在和外延。在極至純粹的畫面中,作者留下的只有線和點(diǎn),使空間得以自顯,而“情”與“性”則留在觀者心中交匯。

    The regular exhibition of ME Photo Art Gallery in August, “The Melody of Silence”, shown Lin Ran classic photography series, “The silent grassland”. In the 24 Pentium and palladium contact prints, Lin Ran continued his style of creation, which doesn’t have an obvious “theme” and critics, but captured the most original essence of the photographed object with patient observation. The exhibited works are different from the other series on the aspect of the view is much more objective. Standing silently at the last row from the stage and on looking the still life, the artist communicated with the nature spiritually. The subtitle “24 solar terms” showed there’s fragmentary noise in the silent, which passed through time and space. Sentiment fluctuates and extends with time, while origin lives and grows with space. Artist applied the simple elements, lines and dots on the frame to let the work speak out by itself and also let audience space to communicate with the images.




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    · 東磊影像畫廊——直觀
    · 全息技術(shù)讓世界名畫“活”起來
    · 馬戎?jǐn)z影個(gè)展《無所為的影像漫步》下周在京展出
    · 世界經(jīng)典藝術(shù)多媒體互動(dòng)展在京開幕
    · “消失”的意味

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