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    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2010-05-10 16:17:05 | 文章來源: 藝術(shù)中國


    Recommendation for Shao Wenhuan


    Shao Wenhuan turns from painting to photography owing to his desire of looking into the “objective world”. But obviously, the aim of his photography is not just to record the appearance of the outer world, but also to find and seize a more reasonable dimension between the objectivity and subjectivity through a media between the objectivity and subjectivity. Therefore, when he started to photograph the scenery in the south of the Yangtze River at the very first, he did it with an attitude and method of research and exploration, including sketch, draft, processing of digital technology and development in the darkroom, etc..


    The deeper motive of a series of works after the first “photos”, including the series of International Travelers is to explore an assured spiritual fulcrum, or to make sure “if there is an assured spiritual fulcrum”. After presenting or constructing a global spiritual depression through International Travelers, Shao Wenhuan’s focus comes back to China from the West, especially the south of the Yangtze River, the hometown where he was born and grew.



    The series of Bright can be viewed as Shao Wenhuan’s meditation of the Chinese culture which is represented by the culture in the south of the Yangtze River, with the mountains, rivers, trees and stones as the main visual dimension. From the level of visual language, he merges his experience of painting and photography and makes his works attain the field and aspect that most of the ordinary photographers cannot achieve. While the trees, mountains and stones in his Not Bright come from the natural scenery that is carefully selected and radiates an extremely vivid and delightful “tone”. The delight enchants the viewers and makes them lost in the painting. The infinity and uncertainty of the sky are also represented in the “free and natural” paintings. The traces like mould stains, besmirches, scratches and error points are generated and emerged owing to the complicated skills in the bright room and dark room…All these traces show an obscure atmosphere of bad luck, but they are so obscure that the careless viewers may even overlook them. And based on these, Shao Wenhuan further creates other unidentified traces, both abrupt and strong, in order to destroy or disturb the above-mentioned delightful atmosphere with concrete elements. Just like a delightful person’s face is hurt by an unidentified airflow, the unidentified traces are too unreasonable and unfathomable too be expressed due to their characteristics of transcendence and metaphysics. Maybe even Shao Wenhuan himself cannot express exactly the meaning of his photos, but he can feel it clearly and the feeling is always lingering in his mind.



    But is it only an extremely individualized feeling or even deliria for Shao Wenhuan as a different individual? Why does the feeling emerge, and why does it disappear? These are questions that require all viewers touched by the photos to consider and to solve. As far as the author’s concerned, it will be better if the unidentified traces in Not Bright are even warmer and softer.

    --Du Xiyun



    Recommendation for Wang Guangle



    Wang Guangle wishes to escape from the cage of various discourses of collectivity, so that he tries to find spiritual fulcrum for individual by creating different viewing angles at first. And the objects and operation modes he chooses during the process are derivations of his searching, and then are substituted for “viewing” as a new way of finding spiritual fulcrum. Though the way is constantly changing, he always makes the ordinary indolent and inaction become poetic expression.

    -- Du Xiyun



    Recommendation for Yang Guangnan



    Starting from the traditional sculpture language, Yang Guangnan gradually focuses on the devices and behaviors, etc. She examines and deducts her daily experience and turns them into touching and powerful works. The works are about the living situation, identify recognition, emotional conflicts and time consciousness of the nobodies in the urbanized space, which seem to be inspired by the ordinary incidents in ordinary life, but actually radiate a unique, subtle, sharp, firm and tough consciousness, thus forming a particular trait of her own.

    --Du Xiyun



    Recommendation for Huang Zhiqiong



    I haven’t been touched by one painting for a long time. But one night, when I turned around and saw The Character, which was treasured and hung on the wall by Huang Zhiqiong himself, I felt something happened in my heart and nearly burst into tears. Why are the character in the painting covering her face and weeping? Did the painter feel sorry for her when he was painting? Though I haven’t talked to Huang Zhiqong yet, I have already sensed his desire. He paints a wild horse running towards the distant, and a group of wild birds flying into the sky, which indicates that he wants a free life and an infinite space. Han Zhuo in Song Dynasty once described in A Complete Collection of Mountains and Rivers (Shan Shui Chun Quan Ji) that “when a space is near the bank and far away from the mountain, it makes people feel broad and profound; when a space is covered with fog and separated by a river, it makes people feel lost and profound; when the scenery is extremely wonderful while misty as well, it makes people feel peaceful and profound.” The space in Huang Zhiqiong’s painting can be called “l(fā)ost and profound”, or more close to “peaceful and profound”, but he does not want to live in seclusion. His ideal life is the one that needs not fully escape from the society and is able to remain the body and mind unconstraint as well. Lin Yutang once depicted in his The Importance of Living about the ideal living situation of ideal people that “a person is best to be neither too famous nor too obscure. And he can play the piano but is not good at it. Actually he will only play it for his best friends or most importantly, take it as a recreation for himself; he also collects some antiques, but not too many; he also reads books but not very industrially; he masters extensive knowledge but is not an expert on any field.” I think the above depiction can be viewed as an excellent reference to Huang Zhiqiong.

    --Duan Jun


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