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    Dieter Rams 迪特·拉姆斯現(xiàn)代設(shè)計原則

    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2011-10-25 09:31:44 | 文章來源: 視覺同盟

      Dieter Rams與蘋果設(shè)計風(fēng)格的延續(xù)

    Dieter Rams是一名來自德國的工業(yè)設(shè)計大師,簡約主義設(shè)計風(fēng)格的代表人物、新功能主義的創(chuàng)始人和代言人,是建立起20世紀(jì)工業(yè)設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的大師級人物。Dieter Rams這位年近80歲設(shè)計大師的許多設(shè)計作品,至今還被世人沿用,男士們應(yīng)該還滿熟悉博朗的剃須刀,就是Rams在博朗公司重組后推出的第一個產(chǎn)品,即大獲成功。此外還有很多現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)、建筑和影像的設(shè)計作品,60年代初的SK55唱片機(jī)和T1000 收音機(jī),以及人們至今還使用著的Vitsoe 606貨架系統(tǒng),都是Rams的作品。 Fast Company Design最近采訪了Dieter Rams,大師在采訪中分享了一些對于現(xiàn)代通用設(shè)計的想法,優(yōu)秀設(shè)計原則,以及杰出、持續(xù)的設(shè)計方案的重要性和對公司的價值。從下面Rams電子產(chǎn)品的設(shè)計圖中我們可以看出,蘋果的設(shè)計風(fēng)格其實在某些方面與Rams的設(shè)計風(fēng)格十分相似,但是Rams并沒有說蘋果的設(shè)計團(tuán)隊抄襲這樣的話,反而稱贊 Jonathan Ive和蘋果的其他設(shè)計師能夠沿用他曾經(jīng)使用過的設(shè)計準(zhǔn)則,因為理念相似,所以產(chǎn)品風(fēng)格才會有相似之處。 Dieter Rams相信,蘋果這樣的理念「模仿」是對他本人最真誠敬重的表現(xiàn),Dieter Rams曾經(jīng)和 Jonathan Ive一起參觀過蘋果的工作流程,并且大加稱贊。同時,Dieter Rams還表示 Jonathan Ive與蘋果CEO Steve Jobs好友般的關(guān)系也是讓蘋果優(yōu)秀產(chǎn)品設(shè)計得以持續(xù)的原因之一。Rams回憶,他看到Ive-Jobs之間的關(guān)系,就仿佛當(dāng)初他在博朗公司一樣,設(shè)計師可以直接和最高執(zhí)行官匯報交流,而不是通過什么市場部門。 1960s Braun Products Hold the Secrets to Apple’s Future The year 2008 marks the 10th Anniversary of the iMac, the computer that changed everything at Apple, hailing a new design era spearheaded by design genius Jonathan Ive. What most people don’t know is that there’s another man whose products are at the heart of Ive’s design philosophy, an influence that permeates every single product at Apple, from hardware to user-interface design. That man is Dieter Rams, and his old designs for Braun during the ’50s and ’60s hold all the clues not only for past and present Apple products, but their future as well: When you look at the Braun products by Dieter Rams—many of them at New York’s MoMA—and compare them to Ive’s work at Apple, you can clearly see the similarities in their philosophies way beyond the sparse use of color, the selection of materials and how the products are shaped around the function with no artificial design, keeping the design “honest.” This passion for “simplicity” and “honest design” that is always declared by Ive whenever he’s interviewed or appears in a promo video, is at the core of Dieter Rams’ 10 principles for good design:

      2008年是iMac問世十周年紀(jì)念,而Jonathan Ive就是設(shè)計這臺扭轉(zhuǎn)Apple命運(yùn),乃至創(chuàng)造一個新時代電腦的設(shè)計奇才。多數(shù)人可能并不知道,Ive設(shè)計哲學(xué)受到另一位設(shè)計師深刻的影響,這個影響反應(yīng)在每一件Apple的產(chǎn)品——從硬件到用戶界面。這個人就是Dieter Rams,從他在上世紀(jì)50年代到60年代為德國品牌Braun(博朗)設(shè)計的產(chǎn)品中,我們依稀看到Apple過去到現(xiàn)在設(shè)計的產(chǎn)品中沿襲著的“設(shè)計密碼”,可以預(yù)見未來Apple的產(chǎn)品還將受到影響。

    時至今日,當(dāng)人們看到陳列在紐約現(xiàn)代美術(shù)館中那些由Rams設(shè)計的Braun生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品,當(dāng)將他們與Ive為Apple設(shè)計的產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行對比的時候,二者之間的設(shè)計哲學(xué)——從色彩的使用,材料的選擇,到“形式追隨功能”,剔除人工痕跡,體現(xiàn)“坦誠”的設(shè)計思想——都是那么相似。 Ive在多個采訪和設(shè)計講解過程中不厭其煩地闡述他如何癡迷于“簡約”的設(shè)計風(fēng)格和“坦誠”的設(shè)計語言,實際上這也是對Rams提出的十條設(shè)計理念的追求: Good design is innovative. Good design makes a product useful. Good design is aesthetic. Good design helps us to understand a product. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is honest. Good design is durable. Good design is consequent to the last detail. Good design is concerned with the environment. Good design is as little design as possible. 好的設(shè)計是創(chuàng)新的 Good design is innovative. 好的設(shè)計創(chuàng)造好用的產(chǎn)品 Good design makes a product useful. 好的設(shè)計是符合審美的 Good design is aesthetic. 好的設(shè)計幫助我們理解產(chǎn)品 Good design helps us to understand a product. 好的設(shè)計是含蓄的 Good design is unobtrusive 好的設(shè)計是坦誠的 Good design is honest. 好的設(shè)計是耐用的 Good design is durable. 好的設(shè)計由最終的細(xì)節(jié)決定 Good design is consequent to the last detail. 好的設(shè)計關(guān)注環(huán)境 Good design is concerned with the environment. 好的設(shè)計是“沒有”設(shè)計 Good design is as little design as possible. Ive’s inspiration on Rams’ design principles goes beyond the philosophy and gets straight into a direct homage to real products created decades ago. Amazing pieces of industrial design that still today remain fresh, true classics that have survived the test of time. The similarities between products from Braun and Apple are sometimes uncanny, others more subtle, but there’s always a common root that provides the new Apple objects not only with a beautiful simplicity but also with a close familiarity. Ive受到的啟發(fā)不僅僅來自Rams的設(shè)計哲學(xué),更直接來自Rams設(shè)計的真實產(chǎn)品——那些幾十年前的產(chǎn)品。拿今天的目光看,Rams設(shè)計的工業(yè)產(chǎn)品還是那么新鮮——所謂經(jīng)典是要經(jīng)得起時間的考驗,Rams的設(shè)計做到了。比較Braun的經(jīng)典設(shè)計和Apple的設(shè)計,二者之間的相似性難以描述,但有時又是那么明顯。可以看到,Apple的設(shè)計中所蘊(yùn)含的簡約之美與Braun經(jīng)典產(chǎn)品體現(xiàn)的風(fēng)格是一脈相承的——這點(diǎn)相當(dāng)乃人尋味。
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