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    藝術(shù)中國 | 時間: 2010-03-16 13:35:52 | 文章來源: 藝術(shù)中國



    Name: Chinese Patients

    Curator : Jiang Ming

    Artist: Liqing TangJianYing WuRiJin WangBaoMing YangJian ZhangXueHai

    Open Reception : 3pm 3, 20, 2010

    Exhibition Dates : 3,20,2010-----4,10,2010

    Address: Gallery TOPREDART Beijing


    Chinese Patients

    By Jiang Ming

    This exhibition is an extension of my research on the art of the black-and-white realistic art. The fact of black-and-white realistic art is an important presentation in the current stage of the development history of Chinese modern art. The development of the Chinese modern art is occurring in such a clue: it began to resuscitate from the period of scar (1976 – 1983), the enlightenment of Modernism (1985), the Modern Art Exhibition (1989), the trend of thought of cynicism-realism, the post-pop tide in the mid-and-late 1990s, the mature in the new stage of consumerism, and the problems of black-and-white realism after 2000.

    Today, when we talk about the problem of black-and-white realism, it has the important significance and value. Such realistic significance is tightly relating to the current worldwide problems, such as the economic crisis, the problem of local well-being, the classical contradiction, and the problem of gap of wealth.

    The cultural direction of the black-and-white realism in the art history of the current stage has the important meaning in the following two aspects: 1. the sociological meaning. In terms of the sociological meaning, the black-and-white realism does not only relate to the problems of the underclass, it also points to the crisis and confliction cause by a series of new problems during the current social development. 2. The features of the art history. The presentation of this feature mainly means the obvious differences between the new fact and the mainstream art fact in the previous stage. There must be one suitable presentation for the new art and culture in a new stage, it should be suitable for the common real feeling of the people in the new times. While this feature of difference is mainly presenting in the several aspects: such as art language, presentation method and pop colors.

    I have stated the problems of two aspects in the articles of several exhibition: The Position of Black and White, The Exhibition on the Literature of Black-and-white Realism, The Turning Point – The Exhibition on the Painting of New Realism. Any friends with interests can refer to them and research.

    Chinese patients is the name of this exhibition. We mainly use such a concept to express the realistic condition in China. The presentation of this disease is just like the cancer, which the cancer can be divided into three stages: early stage, middle stage and stage. Basically the cancer in the early stage can not be found, for there are no obvious features presenting, while the features in the middle and late stages begin to show and explore continually, at this period, the abnormal psychological and spiritual features of the patients become very obvious. When a person enters the middle and late stages, it will cost a lot to cure the patient. While the development of society has also the similar procedure of transformation. But the difference is, when the cancer patient can not saved, he will die and not revive; when the cancer of society can not be saved, the cost will be the social turbulence. And when the social turbulence occurs, the men enduring the cost will be the common and ordinary people. This is the fact that any man with conscience doesn’t want to see.


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