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藝術中國 | 時間: 2010-06-23 17:58:47 | 文章來源: 藝術中國

錦兒:我在很多年前做了一個椅子,現(xiàn)在放在工體的紫云軒,特別的高,坐在這個地方是90度折上去。當時做的時候覺得不錯挺好看,但是要多高呢?那就高,再高,再高。后來坐的時候很不舒服,我當時覺得沒關系,好看就可以了,舒不舒服無所謂,不舒服這樣坐也可以。中國民式的椅子坐的時候講究端莊,但是很不舒服,但是我想最起碼顧一頭就夠了。當時有一個索尼 的設計師跟我說,這個椅子很漂亮但是很不舒服,我說,沒關系,忍一會吧,反正也就兩個小時就走了。他說,我知道你不是設計師,但是我想和你分享一下我做設計的感受,他是在日本工作的一個歐洲人,他說,我覺得作為一個設計師,一定要把情感放進去,這個情感就是愛;當時我沒有孩子,他有兩個孩子,我當時想這可能是我們的代溝。我說,哦,謝謝你,要把愛放進去。






李景漢:I can talk about the designer, the industrial designer, like XiaoYong say,from 20 years of user. Those are important. The user, but also the client,someone who are looking at the design because I am looking for design can push forward a certain goal or certain purposes. I think that relates to what Rosanna were talking about that I think a great design, or great designer or products are very initial stages. They are looking in the process of problem solving.

We are trying to addressing issue, solving the technical issue, using technology or conceptually you are trying to deal with something. I mean, look at the Ball House design, they are conceptual and philosophical but also very, very specific problem solving they were doing. That was the amazing around history. so it is purpose driving, I think, design ,designer, architect, I think we are in a situation now in China, as we talking about creating in China is did that mean. I think it is huge issue for China, I load proper here, the Ipad, we look on the back of Ipad, it is created in America, the USA, the sampled in China, what did that mean? I think it means the huge statement or the statement that the situation that we were in. Maybe it is errocians, I don’t know it meaning. I think it was interested in discussing. But created in America and sampled, not made in China, but sampled in China. I was act in Expo in Shanghai .I have been couple of pervious. I went to the GM Shanghai Automotive. They had a nice show on history of the car and design of the car and that car fits to even the Chinese social society in Shanghai. That was the presentation in the future of the car .But the car conceptually changed the whole consequent of driven changed, the whole consequent of relationship with car changed. But the most important is the technology of the car and the whole roads changed. The interested was there are two concept cars. One developed by GM, designed, created by GM and went by Shanghai Automotive. The GM car has no more engines, totally badly driven and whole chase suspension and the different ways in the northe, the safety requirement and body requirement are all changed.

So, that was the problem. From that of issue, for that design of point, so what does this of car look like? While you don’t need engine, you don’t need traditional suspension have on the car, you don’t need transmission, so how do you design the car like this? You have to meet the technology, you have to be very forward and you have to create something. But along the lines, you are using what the new technology, the future technology are thoughly absurd. The GM are very interesting, the little concept of car.it looks like a little halmet, very small, very comfortable stand right. It doesn’t look like a car but it is an actual functional car, totally bad driven and . the Shanghai Automotive car, the concept of the car are look like a car.waht more interesting was it had no technolygy.this was at the Expo Shanghai. The Shanghai Automotive Industry totally like a car. Maybe I don’t understand it. But it was real a functional car.so ,what’s the problem here? I think that we have to look at it.if we want to talk about creat in china,is the whole issue of concept of design, the desplin the reasreach,and then the appiration of that into something that was real and address of critical issues.i found the earlier very interesting and I found it fasnating.i think people on this panel are more closer to archeture and buildings and . but that one statement I thought was interesting.maybe my Chinese is not that good that something that maybe I am not heard, that the ittanution of beween the designer and user。

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